Sunday, January 27, 2013

So Much to Tell!

Although I just recently posted, we’ve had quite the day. Last night the whole group went up on Signal Hill for the full moon.  I have to say, we didn’t spend much time looking at the moon.  The wind was blowing at about 50 mph (no joke) and we were just struggling to stand up.  I can’t even explain the amount of laughter that came out of that night.  It was an amazing view of all of Cape Town, but the wind was just unbearable.  We were all laughing because everything we have done here has been bucket list material and nothing could compare.  When we got to the top of the hill, we couldn’t even stand up.  The wind was not enjoyable, but the night was one of the most fun yet because of the company. 

This morning four of us woke up for mass.  We went to St. Michael and all his angels which is a beautiful, stone church.  It was an Anglican church so which is like the old, Catholic church. All the wording was old English, the altar was faced toward the back wall, and there were kneelers separating the congregation from the priests.  The consecration was said with the priest’s back to the congregation which I have heard about but never experienced.   We also had to kneel to receive communion.  The Hail Mary was also said several times throughout the mass which was a nice change.  They did not have the sign of peace, though.  At that time, the priests exchanged the “kiss of peace” and the service continued.  Needless to say, many things were different but it was one of the coolest experiences. 

No updates on classes, my phone, or service site.  Every time we ask something people just reply “TIA” which means “This is Africa”…aka just don’t worry about anything!! 

ALSO! Nothing is cold here.  If you ask for ice water, you get a glass of room temperature water… Even the smoothies aren’t that cold (not even sure how that one works..)  The tap water doesn’t get cold so we just drink it room temperature which is totally fine.  But, when we go to restaurants and ask for water they think we’re crazy.  They ask why we want water.   I’m starting to think cold water is not an actual thing here.  But hey! TIA, right?!

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